§ 9-81. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Unless otherwise specifically provided, or unless otherwise clearly required by the context, the words and phrases defined in this section shall have the meaning indicated when used in article V (division 1) and article V (division 2).

    Administrator. The chief of police or his designee.

    Dealer or dealer in precious metals. A person who purchases precious metals from the public, other than by an exempted transaction identified in section 9-93 in the form of jewelry, flatware, silver services, or other forms and holds themselves out to the public by signs, advertising, or other methods as engaging in such purchases, including any independent contractor purchasing precious metals under any arrangement in any department store.

    Gold. Any item or article containing ten (10) karat of gold or more which may be in combination or alloy with any other metal.

    Palladium. Any item or article containing nine hundred fifty (950) parts per thousand or more of palladium which may be in combination or alloy with any other metal.

    Pawn or pawn transaction. A written bailment of personal property as security for a debt, redeemable on certain terms within one hundred eighty (180) days, unless renewed, and with an implied power of sale on default.

    Pawnbroker. Any person engaged in the business of lending money on the security of pledged goods and who may also purchase merchandise for resale from dealers and traders.

    Pawnshop. The location at which, or premises in which, a pawnbroker regularly conducts business.

    Person. Any individual, corporation, joint venture, association, or other legal entity, however organized.

    Platinum. Any item or article containing nine hundred (900) parts per thousand or more of platinum which may be in combination or alloy with any other metal.

    Pledged goods. Tangible personal property which is deposited with or otherwise actually delivered into the possession of a pawnbroker in the course of his business in connection with a pawn transaction.

    Purchase. Any item purchased from an individual for the purpose of resale whereby the seller no longer has a vested interest in the item.

    Secondhand article. An article which has been used or which has been previously traded or sold by a retailer. The term "secondhand article" shall not include any coin or any gold or silver ingot or bar.

    Secondhand precious metal business. Any person, firm, corporation or association engaged in the business of purchasing, trading for or otherwise acquiring ownership of any secondhand article made, in whole or in part, of gold or silver or platinum.

    Silver. Any item or article containing nine hundred twenty-five (925) parts per thousand of silver which may be in combination or alloy with any non-precious metal or which is marked "sterling".

(Ord. No. 2014-02, 2-27-14)