§ 9-17. Same—Application.  

Latest version.
  • The application for a merchant's license shall contain all information relevant and necessary to determine whether a particular license may be issued including, but not limited to:


    Full name, home address, permanent business address (if any), telephone number, driver's license number, two (2) copies of a current one and one-half (1½) inch by one and one-half (1½) inch full-face photograph, and verifiable proof of identity;


    A brief description of the nature, character and quality of the food, beverages, goods or merchandise to be sold;


    The specific location, if any, in which the merchant intends to conduct business in the city;


    If the merchant is employed by or is an agent of another, the name and business address of the principal/hiring person, firm, partnership, association, organization company or corporation;


    If a motor vehicle(s) is to be used in the merchant's business, a description of the vehicle(s), together with the motor vehicle(s) registration number and the license number;


    A complete listing of any other licenses or permits issued to applicant by the city within the past five (5) years;


    A copy of the applicant's current license issued by the North Carolina Department of Revenue (if required by law to obtain a license issued by the state);


    A copy of the insurance or bond required pursuant to section 9-23 herein;


    A copy of the zoning compliance permit issued by the city's zoning department is required pursuant to section 9-16 herein.

(Ord. of 6-25-90, § 4; Ord. of 9-22-97; Ord. No. 2009-17, § 2, 5-11-09; Ord. No. 2019-16 , § 5, 4-8-19)