§ 8-8. Dwellings not in compliance but not unfit for human habitation.  

Latest version.
  • In any case where the housing inspector determines that a dwelling fails to fully comply with one (1) or more but less than seven (7) of the above enumerated standards of dwelling fitness, such dwelling shall not be found to be unfit for human habitation and shall not be subject to the procedures and remedies as provided for in this chapter for dwellings unfit for human habitation. Each such failure of noncompliance, however, shall constitute a violation of the terms of this chapter and shall subject the violator to the penalties and enforcement procedures, civil or criminal or both, of section 1-14 of this Code. In making the determination as described in this section, the housing inspector shall not be required to make notice and hold the hearing as called for in section 8-6, but the housing inspector may do so if the determination of the severity and classification of dwelling fitness is not clear to the housing inspector upon preliminary investigation.

(Ord. of 9-23-02)