§ 7-103. Recycling collection scheduled services.  

Latest version.
  • The director of public works shall establish collection routes and schedules and may alter these routes and schedules from time to time. The director of public works may also establish, and revise from time to time, a policy relating to the schedule for collection of recyclables from various classifications of premises and the maximum number of recycling containers that the city will service on any premises. No owner or occupant of any premises shall prohibit or prevent recycling services at the dwelling unit at the prescribed periodic collection rate. The city shall provide the following level of services to all qualifying dwelling units:


    Recycling collection, limited to the contents of one (1) rollout or other approved containers for the service described in section 7-104 on a scheduled day, being every other week from dwelling units only; and


    A stationary container (lodal) to provide the equivalent of dwelling unit collection every other week for multi-family residential facilities in accordance with this article.

(Ord. No. 2014-12 , § 9, 4-28-14)