§ 7-73. Location of containers—Inclusion in site plan.  

Latest version.
  • Commercial and multi-family residential facilities shall include in the developer's site plan the location for containers for approval by the city manager or his designee. Containers must be placed on a concrete pad sufficiently large enough to support the container and front wheels of the collection truck. Container size and pad design must be approved by the director of public works. Where containers can be readily viewed from public areas, streets included, or by adjoining property owners, containers shall be screened in a manner consistent with article 11 of the city unified development ordinance. Containers shall be provided on site before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued or city services provided to the structure.

(Ord. of 7-28-86, Art. V, § 3; Ord. of 11-26-90; Ord. No. 2014-12 , § 7, 4-28-14)