§ 2-93. Restriction of activities.  

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to G.S. Section 166A-19.31, in the event an emergency is proclaimed under the provisions of this article it is hereby ordained, the mayor, or the city council shall have the power and authority to:


    Impose a curfew upon all or any portion of the city thereby requiring all persons in such designated curfew areas to forthwith remove themselves from the public streets, alleys, parks or other public places; provided, however, that physicians, nurses and ambulance operations performing medical services, firemen and city authorized or requested law enforcement officers and personnel may be exempted from such curfew. No person who is not a resident of the city, as evidenced by a current address on his driver's license or other valid identification, shall be arrested or prosecuted for violation of a curfew without first being given a reasonable opportunity to continue through or otherwise leave the areas which is under a state of emergency. Any person who is given a reasonable opportunity to leave such area and does not do so is subject to arrest and prosecution.


    Directing or compelling the voluntary or mandatory evacuation of all or part of the city from any stricken or threatened area, controlling ingress and egress of an emergency area and the movement of persons within the area.


    Restrict the possession, sale, gifting, purchase, transportation and consumption of alcoholic beverages.


    Order the closing of any business establishments anywhere within the city for the period of the emergency; or otherwise restrict places to or from which people may travel or at which they may congregate.


    Restrict the possession, transportation, sale, purchase, storage, and use of gasoline, and dangerous weapons and substances, except that this subdivision does not authorize prohibitions or restrictions on lawfully possessed firearms (limited to handguns, rifles or shotguns) or ammunition. As used in this subdivision, the term "dangerous weapons and substances" has the same meaning as it does under G.S. Section 14-288.1. As used in this subdivision, the term "firearm" has the same meaning as it does under G.S. Section 14-409.39(2).


    Designate any public street, thoroughfare or vehicle parking areas closed to motor vehicles and pedestrian traffic.


    Issue order closing to the public any or all public places including streets, alleys, public ways, schools, parks, amusement areas, and public buildings.


    Issue an order establishing economic controls in aid of the supplementary to and consistent with state and federal orders relating to price stabilization or controls including: the convening and establishing of ration boards; auditing retail and wholesale ration accounts; monitoring price control operations and reporting violations to appropriate authorities; assisting in providing essential supplies to disaster victims; advising appropriate authorities concerning rationing, price control, wage and rent controls and allocation of food and other essential commodities.


    Call upon regular and auxiliary law enforcement agencies and organizations within or without the city to assist in preserving and keeping the peace within the city.


    Issue such other orders as are necessary for the protection of life and property or to bring the emergency under control.

(Ord. No. 2015-31 , § 2, 8-24-15)