§ 2-37. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed as follows:

    Attack: Direct or indirect assault against the city, its government, its environs, or of the nation, by the forces of a hostile nation or the agents thereof, including assault by bombing, conventional or nuclear, or biological warfare, or sabotage.

    Comprehensive emergency management plan (CEMP): The perpetual preparedness cycle of planning, prevention, mitigation, warning, movement, shelter, assistance and recovery and the performance of the basic government functions of maintaining the public peace, health, and safety during an emergency. This shall include all contingency plans, preparation for protection from, and relief, recovery and rehabilitation from the effects of an attack on the public peace and any other disaster, natural or manmade.

    Coordinator: The coordinator of the city emergency management plan.

    Disaster: Includes but is not limited to actual or threatened enemy attack, sabotage, extraordinary fire, flood, storm, epidemic or other impending or actual calamity endangering or threatening to endanger health, life, or property or constituted government.

    Emergency: Any occurrence or imminent threat of widespread severe damage, injury or loss of life or property resulting from any natural or man-made accidental, military, paramilitary, weather-related or risk-related cause.

    Emergency management: City administration, members of the public safety departments of the city, public works department, and citizen volunteers charged with the responsibility of developing and implementing contingency plans and emergency operations addressing attacks on the public peace and natural or manmade disasters.

    Emergency management coordinator: The coordinator of the city emergency management plan.

    Emergency management director: Acts on behalf of the mayor and city council in control of emergency questions as set forth in the CEMP.

    Emergency management volunteers: Any person duly registered, identified and appointed by the coordinator of the city emergency management plan and assigned to participate in the civil preparedness activity or contributing a service, equipment, or facilities to implement the emergency management plan without remuneration.

    Emergency operations: The implementation of the city emergency management plan.

    Emergency operations center (EOC): The facility from which city government can continue to function, provide coordination and executive decision making for command, direction, coordination, support and control of all emergency response and recovery operations.

    Regulations: Any of several plans, programs and other emergency procedures instituted by the emergency management coordinator deemed essential to emergency management.

(Ord. No. 2015-31 , § 2, 8-24-15)