§ 2-16. Community improvement commission.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Dissolution of citizens advisory commission for community development. The citizens advisory commission for community development established by ordinance on April 22, 2008, is hereby dissolved.


    Creation and purpose. The community improvement commission is hereby created and charged by the city council with addressing the current and future needs of our community in order to achieve sustainable growth. It shall serve as an advisory body to the city council on all matters related to the city's HUD grants and other community development initiatives. The commission is charged also with the following powers and duties:


    To represent citizens in the annual planning, assessing, and reviewing the community development program, including allocation of available funding.


    To prioritize and recommend community development needs and projects.


    To recommend improvements, changes, and amendments to the community development program.


    To assist with community outreach regarding fair housing, the community development program, and other related projects and programs.


    To consider, review, evaluate and report to council the advisability of adopting an ordinance to vacate, remove, or demolish a dwelling which is subject to an order of the housing inspector to do so pursuant to the provisions of section 8-9.1.


    To consider, review, evaluate and report to council the advisability of adopting an ordinance to vacate, remove or demolish a non-residential building which is subject to an order of the non-residential maintenance standards inspector to do so pursuant to the provisions of section 4-40.1.


    Officers and duties. Shall consist of nine (9) voting members all of whom shall be residents of the City of Kannapolis. All members shall be appointed by the city council. Officers of the commission shall consist of a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary. Where possible appointments shall be made in such a manner to ensure that a significant majority of members have a background and/or demonstrated personal interest in, and understanding of, local socio-economic, neighborhood and urban redevelopment issues. Where practical, commission members shall be appointed to provided representation for low and moderate income persons, minority groups, the business community, civic groups who are concerned about the community development program, and the elderly and handicapped.

    All appointed members shall serve a three-year term except for the initial appointments where three (3) members shall be appointed to serve one year, three (3) members shall be appointed to serve two (2) years, and three (3) members shall be appointed to serve three (3) years, resulting in a staggered term schedule. Members may be reappointed to serve additional terms. However, priority may be given to citizens who have not previously served on the commission.


    Chairperson. The commission shall elect a chairperson from among its appointed members. The candidate for each office receiving a majority vote of the entire membership of the commission shall be declared elected. This may be done by written ballot or open election. The term of office shall be one year, beginning in July each year. The chairperson shall be eligible for re-election. The chairperson shall decide on all points of order and procedure, subject to these rules, unless directed otherwise by a majority of the commission in session at the time.


    Vice chairperson. A vice chairperson shall be elected by the commission from among its appointed members in the same manner and for the same term as the chairperson. The vice chairperson shall serve as acting chairperson in the chairperson's absence and at such times shall have the same powers and duties as the chairperson.


    Secretary. The city clerk or their designee shall serve as secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of every commission meeting in a permanent volume. The minutes shall show the record of all important facts pertaining to each meeting. All plans, reports and recommendations of the commission must be approved by at least a majority of the appointed commission members. A record of each vote, decision, recommendation, and other official action shall be kept as part of the minutes, including the names of members who are absent or fail to vote. The secretary does not act in the capacity of a commission member.


    Rules of conduct for members.


    Removal. Members of the commission may be removed for any reason by the city council including violation of the rules stated below or violation of the policy for boards, committees and commission established by the city council.


    Attendance. Faithful attendance at all commission meetings and conscientious performance of the duties required as a commission member shall be considered a prerequisite of continuing membership on the commission. Absence from three (3) consecutive regular commission meetings, or lack of participation in three (3) consecutive duties shall be grounds for the city council to terminate the appointment of such person. The chairperson shall notify the commission if a member has missed three (3) consecutive regular meetings or has not participated in three (3) consecutive duties, and a vote will be taken by the members to recommend a replacement to city council. Vacancies in the offices on the commission shall be filled immediately for the unexpired term by the regular election procedure.


    Voting. All members shall vote on all issues brought before the commission by show of hands unless excused by a majority of the commission members.


    Conduct. Members of the commission shall not seek to influence a decision, participate in any action, or cast a vote involving any matter before the commission which may result in a private benefit to themselves, their immediate relatives or their business interests. In applying this rule a commission member who believes that a conflict of interest may exist shall declare that possible conflict and ask to be excused from deliberation on the issue in question. A majority vote of the remaining commission members shall be required to excuse a member from deliberation from a conflict of interest.




    Regular meetings. Meeting shall be held as often as necessary to perform the function for which the commission has been created. A meeting schedule shall be set each year by the city staff coordinating the commission.


    Quorum. A quorum shall consist of five (5) of the members of the commission for the purpose of taking official action.


    Conduct of meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public. Roberts Rules of Order will govern the meetings. The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:


    Attendee sign in.


    Approval of minutes.


    Old business.


    New business.




    Sub-committees. Sub-committees may be developed by the commission for purposes and terms which the commission deems productive. The commission may dissolve a sub-committee or create a new one at any time as it deems necessary. Sub-committees will meet independently of the commission but will include members of the commission, with a commission member chairing the committee and reporting back to the commission on their actions.

(Ord. No. 2019-21 , 4-22-19)