§ 17-40. Fire hydrant use policy.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose of hydrant policy. It is the policy of the city that the opening and closing, tampering, connecting to, or withdrawal of water from any publicly owned or privately owned fire hydrant connected to the city water system is expressly prohibited, except with the terms of this policy. Authorized withdrawal of water from any city fire hydrant defined above is strictly limited to the following persons and purposes:


    Fire fighting activities by personnel of the city fire department, and by other fire department personnel through mutual aid agreements that provide fire protection services within a jurisdiction served by city fire hydrants.


    Fire fighting training activities by the city fire department, or by other fire departments as approved by the director of public works.


    Testing operations by personnel of the city to establish the flow rate of water available from fire hydrants and to develop data needed for fire insurance or engineering evaluations on the effectiveness of the system.


    Water flushing and collection operations by personnel of the city for improving or determining the quality of water in the system, or to minimize the possibility of any impurities remaining in the system from breaks, leaks or repairs.


    Water withdrawal by personnel of the city for any use deemed necessary by the director of public works.


    Water withdrawal through a construction hydrant meter approved by the director of public works for a construction hydrant meter account customer as defined in subsection (d) of this section.


    Water withdrawal through a construction hydrant meter or the specifically designated city fire hydrant approved by the director of public works for a permitted fire hydrant use account customer as defined in subsection (e) of this section.


    Other uses only as expressly authorized in writing in advance by the director of public works.


    Definitions. For the purpose of this fire hydrant use policy, the following definitions shall apply:

    Air gap separation. An unobstructed vertical distance through the atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe supplying water from any source to a tank or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle. An approved air gap separation shall be at least twice the diameter of the supply pipe. In no case shall the air gap separation be less than one inch.

    Applicants. Any person, firm, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, group or organization applying for a hydrant use permit.

    Backflow administrator. City of Kannapolis backflow administrator or his/her designee.

    Backpressure refers to a condition in which a pump, boiler, or other equipment produces a pressure greater than the water supply pressure.

    Backsiphonage refers to a condition in which the pressure in the distribution system is less than atmospheric pressure, which allows contamination to enter a water system through a cross-connection.

    Business day. Normal operating hours of the city, excluding holidays.

    City business license. Required for any services provided within the City of Kannapolis and can be obtained at City Hall 246 Oak Avenue, Kannapolis, NC 28081, 704-920-4300.

    City council. City Council of Kannapolis, North Carolina.

    City of Kannapolis. Referred to as "city."

    Construction hydrant meter. Used to measure flow of water for construction or other temporary uses approved by backflow administrator.

    Customer refers to any person or entity having an authorized system usage account with the city.

    Customer service center. City of Kannapolis customer service center located at 234 Dale Earnhardt Boulevard, Kannapolis, NC 28081, 704-920-4399.

    Director of public works. City of Kannapolis director of public works or his/her designee.

    Public works department. City of Kannapolis public works operation center located at 1401 Bethpage Road, Kannapolis, NC 28081, 704-920-4200.

    Reduced pressure detector assembly. An approved, properly functioning assembly containing two (2), independently acting check valves with a hydraulically operating, mechanical independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves and at the same time below the first check valve. The assembly must include properly located test cocks and tightly closing shut-off valves at each end of the assembly.

    Shall is mandatory.

    System. The City of Kannapolis water supply and distribution system.

    Tanker. A vehicle on which a tank is mounted to carry non-potable water for delivery.


    Fire hydrant use requirements. Any customer requesting to withdraw water from a construction hydrant meter or the specified city fire hydrant located at 1401 Bethpage Road, Monday—Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. shall have a valid city business license. The customer shall contact the city's customer service center to set up either an account for a construction hydrant meter to be installed on a specific fire hydrant or a fire hydrant use account to draw water from the specifically designated fire hydrant located at 1401 Bethpage Road, Monday—Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Fire hydrant use accounts shall require an annual inspection and permit for each tank(er) withdrawing water from the system.


    Construction hydrant meter accounts.


    A refundable deposit shall be required for a construction hydrant meter in accordance with the city schedule of rates and fees. The deposit shall be refunded when the construction hydrant meter is returned and it is determined that the meter has not been damaged. Any outstanding account balances shall be deducted from the deposit. The customer shall be responsible for all damages to a hydrant meter or a stolen meter. All repairs or replacement cost shall be deducted from the deposit.


    The public works department shall contact the construction hydrant meter customer for the exact location required and install the hydrant meter. The construction hydrant meter customers shall be responsible for providing and maintaining an approved RPZ on the hydrant meter.


    Any construction hydrant meter found not having a properly maintained and approved RPZ, shall be in violation of subsection (g) of this section.


    The construction hydrant meter shall be read once a month and the water consumption shall be billed per one thousand (1,000) gallons at the current water use rate as established by the city council.


    Any customer in arrears shall be considered in violation of subsection (g) of this section and shall not be allowed to continue drawing water from the city's construction hydrant meter until the account balance has been paid.


    Fire hydrant use accounts.


    The fire hydrant use account customers shall contact the backflow administrator at the public works department to inspect that each tank(er) is equipped with an approved air gap or approved reduced pressure detector assembly and to have the permit sticker applied in the proper location on the tank(er).


    The annual permit fee per tank(er) shall be paid at the time a hydrant account is established and shall be renewed and inspected for compliance every year.


    Water consumption shall be billed per one thousand (1,000) gallons, at the current water use rate in accordance of city rate and fee schedules as established by the city council.


    The customer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate consumption records. The consumption reports shall be received by the customer service center by the first business day of every month. The monthly record shall be provided to the city regardless of any consumption or not and shall be in violation of subsection (g) of this section if not received.


    Any vehicle filling from a construction hydrant shall have a valid city-issued fire hydrant use permit sticker.


    Any tank(er) found withdrawing water from any fire hydrants within the city limits or our service area other than the specified fire hydrant located at 1401 Bethpage Road that does not have a valid city-issued fire hydrant use permit and valid city business license to withdraw shall be in violation of subsection (g) of this section.


    Tankers are limited to withdrawing water from the fire hydrant located at 1401 Bethpage Road, Monday—Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Any other withdrawals outside of that time frame shall be in violation of subsection (g) of this section.


    The customer shall use only the construction hydrant meter or the fire hydrant located at 1401 Bethpage Road as designated by the director to withdraw water from the system. A map showing the location of the designated fire hydrant located at 1401 Bethpage Road will be given with each fire hydrant use permit. Additional copies of the map may be obtained at the city's customer service center or the public works operation center.


    The customer has the responsibility of operating the designated city fire hydrant in a proper and safe manner to prevent damage to the hydrant and the city's water system. Hydrants shall be opened and closed slowly and at no time shall any connections to a city fire hydrant be left unattended.


    The customer shall use an approved fire hydrant wrench only. Pipe wrenches and adjustable wrenches or other unapproved devices used in the operation of a fire hydrant are strictly prohibited and in violation of subsection (g) of this section.


    All hoses shall be disconnected after each use and shall not remain attached to the hydrant.


    All nozzle caps shall be replaced after each use.


    The customer shall be responsible for any damage associated with improper use of a city fire hydrant and shall pay for all repairs or shall be in violation of subsection (g) of this section.


    The customer shall be responsible for maintaining his/her backflow protection on each permitted tank(er) and to prevent contamination of the city's water system. The customer shall show proof the backflow assembly has been tested and is up to date.


    In no instance shall the discharge end of the hose be inserted into the tank or laid on the ground where it could become submerged in any liquid.


    Any customer in arrears shall not be allowed to continue to draw water from the city's fire hydrants until the account balance has been paid and shall be considered in violation of subsection (g) of this section.


    Responsibilities of the city. The director of public works shall be responsible for enforcing this policy and to ensure that each customer that is withdrawing water from the designated tanker filling location or construction hydrant meters does so in accordance with this policy and in a safe and responsible manner to prevent cross-contamination.




    A written notice shall be served in person or by certified mail to any permit holder found to be in violation of any part of this policy.


    Such notice will explain the violation and give the time period within which the violation must be corrected. The time period set forth shall not exceed thirty (30) days after receipt of notice, unless specified in the notice. If the violation has been determined by the director of public works to be imminent hazard, the customer shall be required to correct the violation immediately or risk having his/her permit revoked.


    Any customer connected to the city's system without backflow protection shall be considered illegal and to have an unprotected cross-connection between a private water system and the city's water system. Any such customer shall be considered in violation of this policy and shall have their permit revoked and permit sticker removed. Violators shall then go through the permit process again and pay all the fees as if they were a new customer. A second violation shall result in a permanent revocation of their permit.


    In addition to any applicable charges for usage, a customer violating any part of this policy shall be liable to the city for expenses incurred for investigating a violation and for the repair of any damage to the city water system. At the city's discretion, the violator may be prosecuted under G.S. 12-151.1.


    During water restrictions. Tanker fill ups may be restricted or suspended at any time in order to protect the city's water supply. Permit holders shall be notified in writing of the current water restrictions and informed of their limitations.

(Ord. No. 2013-18, 6-10-13)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 2013-18, adopted June 10, 2013, has been treated as superseding the provisions of the former section 17-40 in its entirety, which pertained to use of water from fire hydrant, and derived from an ordinance adopted April 24, 1989, §§ I, II.