§ 17-30. Meters required; types; installation; quantity; accuracy; testing.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Required. All water furnished to consumers shall be metered, unless agreed otherwise by the city council. All three-fourths-inch meters shall be furnished by the city for connection to existing dwellings. For new developments, the developer shall furnish the meter to the city, and the city shall install the meter when service is requested by the owner. Where a meter larger than three-fourths-inch is required, an additional charge will be paid by the owner, as per the adopted tap fee schedule.


    Types. Meters three-fourths (¾) to one (1) inch shall be of the multijet type approved by the city. All meters two (2) inches and larger shall be a turbine type approved by the city. Fire line meters shall be a turbine type approved by the city. A fire line detector check with by-pass meter shall be placed on all fire lines, if not otherwise metered. All fire line meters shall be maintained by the city. Fire line detector checks shall be maintained by the owner. Backflow prevention devices shall be required in accordance with city water specifications.


    Installation; quality. Where consumers are presently on a flat rate, the city reserves the right to install a meter for billing purposes. When water is furnished through a meter, the quantity recorded shall be conclusive on both the consumer and the city, except when the meter has been found to be registering inaccurately or has ceased to register. In either case, the quantity may be determined by the average water consumption during the preceding six (6) months.


    Accuracy; testing. Meters shall be periodically tested by the city as necessary to confirm the accuracy of registration. In case of a disputed account involving the accuracy of a meter, the meter shall be tested by the city on request by the consumer. Flows recorded prior to testing shall be considered correct if the error in registration is found to be plus or minus five (5) percent.

(Ord. of 4-24-89, §§ I, II)