§ 17-2. Required services; responsibility for payment of charges.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Water and sewer service to individual consumers, commercial or residential, located on a single lot shall be provided through a single water or sewer service connection. Joint connections shall not be allowed. Where a service connection is requested at a location off the applicant's lot, it shall be the applicant's responsibility to secure right-of-way from others.


    Water or sewer service to multiunit complexes shall be provided by one (1) of the following:


    Individual service connection for each residential or commercial unit to be provided from existing city mains where available.


    The owner installs new mains with individual service connections for each residential or commercial unit. The city may accept the new mains for maintenance by the city, upon compliance with section 17-4 of this chapter.


    The owner installs a private system to serve tenants in accordance with regulations of the appropriate state agencies. The city may approve a private system for connection to the city system, upon submission by the owner to the city of sewer system plans approved by the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and water system plans approved by the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Water Supply Branch.


    A master water meter shall be installed at the point of connection of a private water system to the city system. A sewer meter shall be installed at the point of connection of a private sewer system to the city system where city water service is not provided.


    No portion of a private water or sewer system shall be maintained by the city. The owner shall provide adequate maintenance and repair services to ensure a level of service to tenants consistent with service provided to individual customers of the city and shall comply with all quality testing and reporting as required by state and federal regulations.


    Owners of private water or sewer systems are responsible for payment of all charges according to the schedule of rates adopted by the city council, as amended.

(Ord. of 4-24-89, §§ I, II; Ord. No. 2001-95, § 1, 7-25-01)