§ 10-251. Maintenance of list of eligible businesses.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The chief of police shall prepare and maintain an eligible list of those persons, firms or corporations (in this division called "garages") having businesses located within the city, who apply and qualify to tow and store automobiles and trucks from the streets and other public places in the city at the request of the police department. The chief of police shall prepare rules in accordance with the provisions of this division for the qualification of garages for the eligible list. The eligible list shall also include all persons, firms, or corporations providing towing and storing service on date of adoption of this amendment.


    Any garage on the eligible list which violates any provision of this division or the rules established in accordance herewith shall be subject to removal from the eligible list after written notice. Any garage removed from the eligible list may, within five (5) working days of the date of the notice of removal, request a hearing before the chief of police to show cause why the garage should not be removed from the list.

(Ord. of 12-22-86, Art. VI, § 7; Ord. of 10-25-93)