§ 10-172. Parking in designated fire lanes.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Pursuant to the provisions of G.S. Section 20-162(b), and for the protection and safety of the lives and property of the citizens of Kannapolis, there are hereby established certain fire lanes, both on private property which constitutes a public vehicular area as that term is defined by G.S. Section 20-4.01(32) (or by a subsequent statute amending this statutory section) and on any public drive, driveway, roadway, street, alley or other surface generally used or reserved for the movement or parking of motor vehicles.


    All fire lane designations shall be made by the manager upon recommendation of the city fire marshal, with the concurrence of the police chief or his designee. Designations shall be clearly marked by appropriate aboveground signs or signs and pavement markings, and a list of such designations shall be maintained on file in the city clerk's office.


    Fire lanes may be designated on any drive, driveway, road, roadway, street, alley or other surface generally used or reserved for the movement or parking of motor vehicles, when the parking or placing of vehicles or obstructions in the area designated as a fire lane would interfere with the proper ingress or egress of fire-fighting trucks or other emergency vehicles, equipment or personnel.


    The person or legal entity in possession of the property on which a designation of a fire lane is made shall be responsible for installation and maintenance of the required signs or pavement markings. All signs and pavement markings utilized under the provisions of this division shall be approved by the city.


    No person shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand, whether attended or unattended, or put or place any other object, structure or obstruction in a fire lane which has been established and properly marked under the provisions of this section; provided, however, persons loading or unloading supplies or merchandise may park temporarily in a fire lane located in a shopping center or small parking lot, as long as the vehicle is not left unattended. It shall be lawful for governmental vehicles or nongovernmental emergency vehicles, including rescue squad vehicles, to stop, stand or travel within such fire lanes when required to do so in the performance of their official duties.

(Ord. of 12-22-86, Art. IV, § 11)